- I need my fish before Christmas, or by a specific date, what do you recommend?
- What are my alternative shipping options?
- Can I still request for my fish to be shipped through FedEx?
- Is Live on Arrival still guaranteed?
Alternative shipping options are as follows:
- Air Cargo *our recommended option*
- FedEx/UPS Overnight (no live on arrival guarantee) *not recommended*
Air Cargo
Air Cargo is an excellent option and the recommended shipping option during the busy holiday season at no additional cost. Due to the expected reduction of holiday travelers this year, the airlines should be quicker to unload planes and get boxes to pick up sooner. We recommend this option.
For more information, please read our Air Cargo Information page.
Ready to book Air Cargo? Click here to book
FedEx/UPS Overnight
We can still ship FedEx or UPS NEXT DAY ONLY during this time. Expect Delays. 80% of Next Day packages are expected to arrive within 2 days. Additionally, there will be two changes to our regular policy.
- All orders will default to ship after the holidays (January 2). IF you would like your order shipped during the suspended period, please contact our customer service to schedule a day.
- We cannot offer Live on Arrival Guarantee during this time. To be eligible for Live on Arrival guarantee, please ship via Air Cargo. Please expect delays.